The Association’s activities are based on an actual scientific approach. Experts of the Association perform international comparative research and make an annual rating of legal protection of business. It is based on the data of judicial and administrative statistics, rather than on subjective opinions of individual experts or businessmen, so the rating of legal security of business is an objective indicator. It reflects the probability for the business to lose a dispute when the truth is on its side. This probability is first considered separately for business disputes with the state and disputes between businesses. At each level of the dispute, the number of decisions cancelled by higher authorities is evaluated, and the sustainability of the practice is selectively determined – in such a way that on one and the same basis there is no gain from some businesses and no loss from others. The share of cancelled decisions and the share of unsustainable practices are then summed up and used to determine the likelihood of an inequitable loss. Disputes with the state and business-to-business disputes are weighted according to their prevalence and also summed up. The analysis of all generalized statistical indicators is accompanied by a detailed analysis of the most indicative examples of both negative (violation of business rights) and positive (respect for business rights despite external factors).