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Schekin & partners LLC, Law firm

Tax law and tax advisory comprise one of our core service lines.

Country: Russia
Region: Moscow
Адрес: 12 Krasnopresnenskaya nab., Moscow, 123610, Russia «WTC Moscow»
Phone: +7 495 984 63 01
Site: schekinlaw.ru

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Корпоративное, коммерческое право, M&A

Суды, арбитраж, разрешение споров, медиация

Налоговое право, таможня, ВЭД

Антимонопольное право, банкротство

Уголовное право


22.03.2016 «Щекин и партнеры» признаны юридической фирмой года в области коммерческого права п ... »»
24.09.2015 Global Law Experts (GLE) рекомендует Романа Серб-Сербина, партнера компании «Щекин ... »»
09.06.2015 Денис Щекин и фирма «Щекин и партнеры» вошли в ежегодный список ведущих налоговых к ... »»
23.03.2015 Global Law Experts (GLE) рекомендует фирму «Щекин и партнеры» в качестве налогового ... »»
19.01.2015 Юридическая компания «Щекин и партнеры» стала победителем в номинации «Развивающая ... »»

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18.01.2016 Денис Щекин прокомментировал газете Ведомости инициативу по созданию фискального су ... »»
29.09.2015 Дайджест налоговых новостей № 103 »»
28.08.2014 Д.Щекин: "Это будет самый льготный налоговый режим в стране". Газета &quo ... »»

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Practice Description

We specialize in tax, commercial and corporate law and various types of litigation.

Denis Schekin is the Managing Partner of Schekin & Partners. According to internationally recognized sources such as The Legal 500, Chambers Europe, The Best Lawyers, Tax Directors Handbook, and The European Legal Experts, Denis has ranked in Russia’s top 20 tax law professionals in the past five years. 

Our professionals bring their wealth of knowledge and years of experience, particularly, in litigation, to provide superior services. Our expertise and ability to navigate the constantly evolving legal landscape are demonstrated by our extensive track record of successfully handled disputes including many test cases.


One of our competitive differences is in how we manage academic and practical information in the area of law. We annually examine key academic publications on tax and civil law, including books, articles and dissertations. We monthly review all available tax rulings of Russia’s federal arbitration courts and highest courts. And we weekly analyze all explanations issued by the federal fiscal authorities.


Our professionals have published 12 books and hundreds of articles in the field of law. We give regular lectures and seminars on a range of legal subjects.


Schekin & Partners has appeared in several internationally recognized rankings of law firms this year.

In March 2014 Chambers Global ranked Denis Schekin among the best tax law professionals.

Published in April, the new edition of Legal 500 EMEA 2014 recommended Schekin & Partners as one of the best companies for tax law.

Best Lawyerspublished the sixth edition of a study on Russia’s legal market in April. The study includes a list of Russia’s best lawyers, based primarily on a survey of colleagues. Like in the past years, Denis Schekin is again recognized as one of the best tax lawyers.

We would like to acknowledge all of our esteemed Clients. We deeply appreciate your loyalty and look forward to our continued cooperation.


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